Monday, September 07, 2009

Raw Diet

I think this is going to be my new lifestyle. I’ve been eating a mostly raw diet (70% to 80%) for over two weeks – and I feel really good. I’ve lost 8 pounds – and am feeling less achy in my joints. Pretty cool for just over two weeks!!

So here’s the basic premise: The basics of a raw food are simple. You eat only uncooked, unprocessed, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and oils. The idea is that foods heated above 110 to 120 degrees kills enzymes. The health-giving qualities of food are locked into enzymes. We can acquire more enzymes in raw and living foods. The digestive system has to work harder and longer to process cooked foods to get nutrition and energy from it. Once cooked, a food can lose up to 85 percent of its nutritional value. Raw foodists call that "dead food." Since we are essentially what we eat, consuming the dead energy of dead foods make our bodies feel heavy and stagnant.

A raw foods diet has been linked to more energy, healthier skin, a reduced risk of heart disease and better digestion. Things like allergies, digestive disorders (GERD), weak immune system, high cholesterol, candida and weight problems may be improved on a raw foods diet.

One of my main goals is to make my body more basic (people usually call this “alkaline”). The theory on this is that if your body is slightly basic/alkaline, it’s too harsh an environment for disease to survive in. I’m looking for this change in my diet to help with my reflux, blood sugar issues and weight – and the weight improvement should help with my blood pressure and sleep apnea. I have high hopes for this diet/lifestyle. Can you tell? Well, I’m already feeling more energy, improvement in achiness and have lost some weight, so let’s see what happens! P.S. – The food is really yummy!!

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